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dear lady Turns One and It's Giving Me All The Feels...

dear lady

Hello to all of my lovely readers! I'm going to start by apologizing that I haven't written in some time; but as you know, it's December! Not only does that mean I'm pissing myself with excitement for Christmas but also - everyone is super busy. I have taken on a new job that I couldn't love more; which has thus opened up my mind to the possibility of different hobbies and pastimes. Enough about me! Let's get back to the blog.

I truly can't believe that it has been over a year since I decided to launch my own personal blog reviewing and discussing makeup in all of its glory. One thing that makes me smile is that I've averaged about one post a week, adding up to 50 in total. I can't help but be proud that I actually lived out my 2015 New Year's resolution (because... who really does that?)

Most of all, what I wanted to share with you today is what I have learned in the past year - in hopes of inspiring someone to perhaps begin a blog of their own (believe me, it's freeing and equally satisfying knowing that some people give a damn about what you have to say). Moving forward - I'm now going to share with you some key lessons I have learned while creating and maintaining a beauty blog. Enjoy!

Lesson 1: Contain your excitement and don't rush into it

I'll never forget what my boyfriend first told me when I had decided to write a blog - he said, "Babe, don't rush and post 5 things in one week. Take your time or you'll run out of ideas." Man, was he right! At first, I said, "No I won't! I have way too many ideas and I'm SO EXCITED!"

... Of course, my stubborn self had to learn it the hard way. Believe me when I tell you, it gets tough. You may feel as if you have all the wisdom and knowledge to teach your audience for an eternity. You don't. Once your excitement subsides you'll realize you have a post due tomorrow and haven't the first clue what you'll write about. This is especially true when it comes to makeup considering there are limited launches per week. I wanted to make sure my posts were interesting and suitable for the time of year, trend, etc.

Overall, it is much better to take your time and slowly put together ideas rather than scramble to write something ten minutes before you go to bed. Be smart, plan and enjoy every minute of it.

Lesson 2: Blog about what inspires you

I believe that you have to have a plan. Maybe it's just me, but I am usually drawn to a blog that has an overall theme, rather than just a blog about life in general. For instance, I wanted to have a target audience; men or women who may or may not know that much about makeup but would like to learn more. That being said, there's no right or wrong way to create or maintain your blog. The overall lesson is; go with what inspires you.

This could mean many things. For me, it may have been a new product people were talking about or even someone in the cosmetics world that really made an impression on me. What I found was this: my writing suffered when I felt forced to talk about something. Looking back, I feel as if my strongest posts were the ones that I couldn't wait to talk about.

If you feel bored with the topic, your readers will be bored as well. If this means fewer posts per month, so be it. As the saying goes, it's not quantity, its quality.

Lesson 3: Don't take on more than you can handle

This is a big one. When I first started my blog, I committed myself to doing two posts per week. That worked for me for a while, but eventually, it started to feel like a second job. That was not my intention(s) nor was it the purpose of my writing in general. I wanted to have fun with this - but it began to feel like a chore.

Therefore, my advice is this: don't take on more than you can handle. I think I was so excited that people were reading my blog that I let it get out of control; I was trying to please everyone. Whether it was reviewing products people wanted to know about or promoting something for someone else - it was too much. Don't make promises, and don't set dates. Write when you feel like writing and write what YOU want to write about.

Most of all, don't forget that you have a life. Things will come up that may take your attention away from your hobby. This is okay. Sometimes you need to take a step back and focus on what's important right now.

It needed to be said. I want to thank every single person that has helped me along the way. Whether you helped me in a big way or simply supported me by reading the odd post here and there - thank you. It means so much to have a support system behind me telling me that I can do it.

You can do it, too.


dear lady


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